Monday, August 21, 2006

Plato's three colors for Atlantis

The stone which was used in the work they quarried from underneath the centre island, and from underneath the zones, on the outer as well as the inner side. One kind was white, another black, and a third red, and as they quarried, they at the same time hollowed out double docks, having roofs formed out of the native rock.
Critias - by Plato [360 BC]

White, red and black the colors named by Plato as the colors of Atlantis!

Thanks to "justinjbrown" and "hunchback" at the Gnostic Media forum for this info.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Destruction of Atlantis and Mu as symbol for loss of magic mushroom

Instead of a physical and cataclysmic destruction of an advanced Atlantean/Lemurian civilization I propose rather a psychospiritual loss of cosmic consciousness of ancient man (maybe even a synthesis of both!). This traumatic loss resulting in the neurosis we jokingly call "modern mans advanced technological history" and the materialist/rationalistic consensus trance. The psychosis referred to here brought on by the loss of the symbiotic relationship between early man and entheogenic (god manifesting) plants that started our rapid evolutionary change (+- 30 000 years ago).

Just like the pre-human creatures in Kubricks "2001: A Space Odyssey" being influenced by the alien monolith to develop tool use and technology we could speculate the relationship between man and mushroom stimulated rapid evolutionary advances like language itself (think Terence McKenna). We should note here that McKenna speculated that the psilocybin mushroom itself could be from outer space.
Also the emphasis again here on ancient monoliths, square stones from space (lapis), pillars and columns seem very likely candidates for symbols of magic mushrooms.
Please see previous post for more on Atlantean/Masonic pillars and mushrooms.

The magic mushroom often relate to the contact, visitation, abduction and UFO scenarios.

-Could the ever increasing attention of alternative ancient history theories in our zeitgeist like the wonderful one's of Michael Tsarion and Zecharia Sitchin involving alien races be because of our re-awakening into cosmic consciousness and potential reconnection with the cosmic community of super intelligences?

-Is Atlantis and Lemuria part of a "garden of Eden" genetic memory now resurfacing because of our ever increasing awareness of our interconnectedness made evident by acceleration of technology related to the singularity, eschaton and 2012 ideas? Is the current instability in the human political, social and religious spheres related to the birth pains of this growing sense of awareness?

-Have the secret society's and fraternally controlled government and media moguls conspired to keep this ancient knowledge to themselves to cement their position as our overlords possibly in cahoots with forces as yet beyond our conception hinted at by their constant referral to a "Great White Brotherhood"? While at the same time enjoying the secret of the philosophers stone and holy grail (magic mushroom) and denying us the serpent (DNA) knowledge this provides them?

-Have hidden occult symbols like this new NASA mission patch been hinting at these strange revelations?

The red swish originating from behind the three big stars and continues to coil around the planetoid forming the nr 6 and Saturn. The red swish also being possibly the red royal serpent bloodlines from Egypt's cult of Aten (maybe even back into Atlantis) possibly from the star systems Draco or Sirius. The red bloodline from Sirius (always in rough alignment with Orion's belt I believe?) coming down from the stars coiling around the planet like the snake? In context of my new developing theory about Atlantis being synonymous with magic mushrooms the red royal serpent bloodlines (they who walk on the red carpet) could be the families who keep the secret of the Amanita muscaria (the red magic mushroom) and the knowledge of the coiled snakes (DNA helix).

More on the syncromystic significance of this NASA patch at

I would like to make it clear that I am not trying to suggest one view (either magic mushroom or Atlantis) as superior and more valid than the other, just yet. Rather I suggest that there is too much evidence that both are possibly valid and that they need to be integrated into a new theory of ancient alternative history including elements of both world views.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Atlantis: The name and the pillar

In Manly P. Hall's "Secret Teachings" we learn (page 80) that Plato wrote in his "Critias" that Poseidon, the God who was given rule over Atlantis and the sea, named Atlantis and the surrounding oceans (Atlantic) after his son Atlas. Further Atlantis is said to be located west of the Pillars of Hercules or the Straight of Gibraltar submerged under the sea (page 79).
The legend of Atlantis includes many references to pillar(s) in which the knowledge of Atlantis was inscribed.
I believe that these pillars could quite possibly be symbolic of the magic mushroom and the bright red Amanita muscaria in particular. Freemasons and Rosicrucians have also many pillars in there ancient stories and sacred texts like Jachin and Boaz of Solomon's temple, quite possibly derived from the ancient accounts of the pillars of Atlantis. The pillars of masonry are also then good candidates for magic mushroom.
Atlas famously holds the world on his shoulders. This seems to be symbolically shown in the Masonic pillar with the Earth sphere on its top. The Rosicrucian manual of the AMORC on page 101 states that the spinal column has 33 (a number of amazing importance to secret societies) sections when you take the Atlas as the first section. The Atlas then holds up the head just like the mythical Atlas holds up the world as shown figuratively by the Masonic pillar with globe. Thus we can deduce that the Masonic pillar or column could also be a representation of the human spinal column (with its 33 sections).

Another symbol for the spinal column often found in fraternal contexts is the caduceus or staff of Hermes. Hermes is also said to have inscribed a pillar in Atlantis with all their sacred knowledge to preserve this information from the destruction in the coming deluge. The caduceus with its rod and disc also reminds us of the Masonic pillar and has been convincingly shown to also be a representation of the magic mushroom by Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit in there "Pharmacratic Inquisition" video lecture.
Now we have the name of Atlantis and its pillars or columns strongly connected to the magic mushroom.